Object Festival: Cie Les Intouchables – Pénélope Häusermann: Objet Nature + Race Horse Company & DJ Polarsoul: Tattarmossen Skit
Object Festival: Cie Les Intouchables – Pénélope Häusermann: Objet Nature + Race Horse Company & DJ Polarsoul: Tattarmossen Skit
Cie Les Intouchables – Pénélope Häusermann: Objet nature
A square of nature as if torn from the earth, and a human body moving with it. Unearthed roots float in the air as if lost in a vacuum. The tearing has just taken place, so the consequences are not yet visible. This unique aerial piece created by Pénélope Häusermann is performed by acclaimed aerial artist Manuelle Haeringer.
Duration: 27 min.
Race Horse Company & DJ Polarsoul: Tattarmossen Skit

Race Horse Company & DJ Polarsoul
Four circus artists and two clowns emerge from a portable toilet bringing with them abandoned circus acts and forgotten pieces of gold. All to the sounds of DJ Polarsoul who spins his sound archive to grab and shake everybody in the room. This partly improvised, partly sketched and very likely a collection of clashes and off-tempo fumbles collaboration is an Object-unique event.
Performers: Rauli Dahlberg, Kalle Lehto, Siiri Lehtiö, Florian Grobety, Julia Masli, Viggo Venn and DJ Polarsoul
Duration: 40 min.
Running time | 90 min |
Location & accessibility | Cirko |
Age recommendation | +12 |
Tickets | 20/15 € |
Objet nature – credits
Concept, direction, choreography
Pénélope Häusermann with Benjamin Ritter
Manuelle Haeringer
Light design
Sylvie Garot & Olivier Schwall
Sound design & music
Benjamin Ritter & Cécile Chagnaud
Pénélope Häusermann & Cyrille Doukhan
Set and technical concept
Nil Admirari & Jean-Michel Boivin
Costumes and accessoires
Martial Joly
Les Intouchables avec l'aide de L'Espace Périphérique, La Villette – Paris, L'Avant Rue, le Cirque Binet ja la Gare à Coulisses.
Supported by
Ministère de la Culture – DMDTS